

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Coffee is the drink of cowards!"

I heard that line quoted in a movie last night, and I think I'll start using it. Yeah, lots of people love coffee. I'm related to people who use it daily and were obsessed with it. I've never been obsessed by it and ever since my gall bladder committed suicide, I've not drank it. (I found this T-shirt on's a good saying)

Some people just can't function without coffee....never understood that. Anyway, the movie line was from The Grand, pretty funny movie.

Most of you on here know my hatred of coffee from my last job too. My 'boss' was addicted but it was my job to make it and clean it up....however it was her job to set my office on fire via-coffee maker one day since even though she was an addict, she apparently forgot to remove the plastic coffee-holder from the burner....what can I say, she was a genius.

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