Two weeks ago, though we didn't really tell anyone, we thought William may have very poor eye sight, I even thought he may be blind. Lil' dude NEVER made eye contact with us, or anyone. He wouldn't look at....anything! The light would affect him but that was it. He never 'tracked' meaning he never followed objects, or lights, or even sounds. He didn't respond to our faces, or our voices.
Okay so I kind of thought maybe he didn't like me. ;-) Maybe he thought I was ugly...turns out he just wasn't that interested. Yeah, he just wasn't that in to me. This week, he makes eye contact. He responds to us. And he tracks objects, IF you move them very slowly, and then he only tracks for maybe 10 seconds, why? Sensory Overload...never heard of it, but, it's real.
Last week, sure, he'd occasionally take a paci, but this week, he 'needs' his paci. He's addicted to his paci! If he can't get to it, today I noticed, he'll just take his hand, fingers or thumb...whatever it takes to suck on something. He also started 'comfort' nursing, which is a HUGE turn around from a few weeks back when he hated to nurse. It's sweet.
When the paci gets turned around, he'll suck on its side. The puppy-paci, I caught him sucking on the puppy's ear. Hell, he's even sucked on the end of Chris's nose, which is really the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.
Last week, he'd smile, on rare occasion. Though his smiles are still fairly spontaneous, they are more predictable as to when he'll do them. Just after a meal, he'll coo, wiggle, and smile. So now I have the camera at the ready after each feeding (aren't you just thrilled?) to document his happy faces.
Last week, he never napped....ever. (Granted he slept better at night that way) but this week, he takes 1-3 hr naps after his meals. We place in the boppy and place him on his tummy or side and he goes right to sleep. YES, we're right next to him, not leaving him unattended while he rests. Since he has colic, this is the best position for him to be comfy in.
Now, when he cries his non-hungry cry, we know to either give him a paci, or finger, or God forbid a nose (yuck) or put him in the boppy in that comfy position and he's happy as a clam. Why are clams so damn happy? Their lives suck when you think about it....but they do make a great sauce!
This week we learned he's 23 inches long. He's grown about 2 inches in one month. That's....impressive. He's tall and thin! GOOD! Short and fat sucks! Freakin' Michelin man can kiss my butt! Okay, fat babies are adorable but I have a "long and lean" one so that's clearly the best way to be now so far as I'm concerned. ;-)
We're trying the cloth diapers ( this week, thanks to Becky who lent me some. These things are expensive! I mean in the end, they are cheaper than disposables and better for Mother Earth, but man, the upfront cost to these! We're giving them a try for a while and see how that goes. Then we have to give them back! LOL! She'll make a fortune on these things when she sells some of them in the future. I mean, they're just a piece of material, with snaps....and absorbent properties...and cutesy designs!
So this week, the week in review...started to suck thumb, yes, that's called self soothing...fell madly in love with his paci, also decided he enjoys napping on his belly and side, FINALLY getting the hang of side nursing at night, tracking objects and making eye contact with his gorgeous baby blues....while he still has them.
I wonder what next week will bring?
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