

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The geyser...

So tonight, little one started to cry. Before I could do anything, a geyser erupted. Yup. I've never seen anything like it, nor has Chris. This stuff just SHOT out of the boob, straight into the air with such great force....and it kept going and going and going, like the Energizer Bunny. I was freaked out, and didn't know what to do! After 10 seconds or so the husband ran to get a towel while I yelled "Are you seeing this?!" over and over....I wasn't touching my boob, no one was. Little man was on my lap crying and boom! Finally Chris said "Put it in his mouth!" LOL! So....duh....I did. I mean this thing was like the BP oil leak....there was no stopping it.

I suppose that's what "let down" is...I've never really experienced that before, at least not visually. I suppose it's a great sign that my supply is good and my boob's hearing is spot-on. Little man didn't appear to choke, so that's good too. As for the clean up...we need some relief workers pronto in my living room!


  1. LMAO like the BP leak. <3

  2. Ha, thanks Anne...I mean I hate to mock the single worst disaster to ever occur in our oceans but I mean...if you can't laugh at stuff then life would be too boring.
